Date of Birth1982-06-23 Place of birth: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Date of Death 2011-05-13 Place of death: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cause of death: accidental drug overdose (mixture of prescription pain medication and alcohol)
Also known as Boogeyman
The Mountie
Derek Boogaard was an NHL hockey player known for his role as an “enforcer”.
Interment Info
On May 13, 2011, Boogaard was found dead in his Minneapolis apartment by family members. He was found unconscious and not breathing. Minneapolis Fire Department members were the first to arrive, and they pronounced him dead.
Derek Boogaard, was cremated Monday May 16 and taken home to Regina, Saskatchewan, Tuesday May 17 with his mother, will be laid to rest Saturday May 21. Funeral services will start at 10 a.m. at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Depot.
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