Denomination: Non-denominational
Ontario Region: Frontenac City Ontario, Kingston
927 Purdy’s Mill Road
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 3N1
Tel. (613) 546-6545
Fax. (613) 546-6631
Denomination: Non-denominational
Ontario Region: Frontenac City Ontario, Kingston
927 Purdy’s Mill Road
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 3N1
Tel. (613) 546-6545
Fax. (613) 546-6631
I learned my love of “spirit walking” from my Mother, Barbara Ann Scott. My Mum was an avid genealogist who spent many days in cemeteries in Ontario, Quebec and Scotland. I joined my Mother on many of these research visits and found that I was really moved by some of the inscriptions, the dates and trends. I realized that much could be learned about the local history of an area by examining the cemeteries. I have continued to be inspired to visit cemeteries in communities even if I don’t know anyone who is interred there. I have stumbled upon former Canadian Prime Ministers, artists and athletes. I have also discovered many small communities and vanished villages near and far from home. This web site is about acknowledging the many great Canadians who shaped the Canada I know.
Also known as Old Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cemetery Ontario Region: Waterloo City Ontario Kitchener...
986 Wilson Ave. W.Toronto, ON Toronto (Mount Sinai) Memorial Park is governered by a Board...
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