Karsh, Yousuf
Yousuf Karsh was one of the most famous and accomplished portrait photographers of all time.
Yousuf Karsh was one of the most famous and accomplished portrait photographers of all time.
Date of Birth1815-01-11 Place of birth:Glasgow, Scotland Date of Death1891-06-06 Place of death:Ottawa, Ontario Cause of death:complications of stroke suffered on May 29 1891 Sir John A. Macdonald was the first Prime Minister of Canada and a dominant figure in … Continued
470 Woodbine Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4E 2H6 416-691-4560 http://www.stjohnsnorwaycemetery.ca/
1390 Clarkson Road North Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 2W5 Telephone: 905-822-0368 Fax: 905-822-5643 https://springcreekcemetery.weebly.com/ Historic References: http://ao.minisisinc.com/SCRIPTS/MWIMAIN.DLL/218022220/IMAGES_WEB_ADD/IREFCODE/RG~201-100-0-0-3652?JUMP https://heritagemississauga.com/clarkson/ http://www5.mississauga.ca/library/EBooks/8147_ClarksonBook.pdf https://guides.library.utoronto.ca/c.php?g=251707&p=1675204 https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/databases/treaties/001040-119.01-e.php?sisn_id_nbr=41&interval=99&PHPSESSID=j8vos1147qoq7lubms1ljf6h8 A look back at when Mississauga was “Toronto”
Born 22 February 1947 Montréal, QC.
Died 22 February 2006 Tillsonburg, ON.
Date of Birth 1890-05-04, Orillia, Ontario Date of Death 1945-10-24, Toronto, Ontario Cemetery: Saint Andrews and Saint James Cemetery, Orillia, Ontario. Block J Cause of death: pancreatic cancer Franklin Carmichael was a member of the Group of Seven. He was … Continued
Date of Birth: 1885-06-25 Sheffield, England Date of Death 1969-03-23 Montreal, Quebec Interment Info Lismer died on March 23, 1969 in Montreal, Quebec and was buried alongside other members of the Original Seven at the McMichael Gallery Grounds.